Although it was the first time I worked with the amazing German photographer Norbert Kniat (many more great stories to come in the future I hope) the remaining team are the talented Issidora who did a kick ass Vintage Make up and the renowned Nina Butkovich-Budden who is responsible for the beautiful hair both of which I have the pleasure of working with on a regular basis. We were also very lucky with our beautiful model Becca from Nevs who impressed everyone by being extremely well prepared and super professional, you might recognise her from the current Samsung adverts. And last but not least we had a little special guest -Ramon the fashion dog - Nina's Chihuahua who is featured in one of the images and had the posing down to a Tee! Special thanks also to Laura Bebe, an ueber jewellery designer who helped me out on this project :)
I think I can speak for everyone when I say we utterly enjoyed every second of this project and I think it shows in the images ;)
Beautiful team, Beautiful work with Beautiful results :) x Well done all .